13 Reasons Why Brooke Davis is the Greatest

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6:05 AM
Recently, I’ve been re-watching One Tree Hill on Netflix and falling in love with Brooke Davis all over again. I’m always drawn to those “mean girl” type characters in everything I watch. These girls are tough, fiercely independent and can out-bitch you in every situation. On the contrary, they’re also loving, caring and will be the first person on your side as soon as you need them. Brooke Davis is a smart, confident woman who looked out for the people she cared about and always put others before herself and will forever be my main chick.

So here a few reasons why B.Davis stole my heart and why she continues to be the best thing to happen to Tree Hill.

1. She was never afraid to tell her friends what they needed to hear- whether they liked it or not.

2. She showed us that's it okay grow out of old relationships and never miss someone that wouldn't miss you.

3. She showed us it's totally okay to drink wine from the bottle. Who even needs a glass?

4. She taught us to never compromise who you are in order to make others happy. 

5. She taught us that even if you grow out of your bitchy phase, it's completely acceptable to bring that bitchiness back in order to stand up for your loved ones.

6. She taught us to always be true to yourself. 

7. She taught us to take a stand against double standards. 

8. She took a stand against the glamorization of eating disorders in the fashion world.

8.  She told us to go after the things we want, even in our love lives.

9. She also showed us that in our love lives, it's okay to put yourself first.

10.  She taught us to never let a guy define who we are. YOU get to decide who you are.

11. She taught us that if you've lost your way, you get to decide what happens next.

12. She wasn't afraid to be the first to call someone out on their bull.

13. She taught us how to perfect the art of "bitch-craft".

The true Supreme of Tree Hill.

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