The Exorcist Inspired Makeup Look

| On
11:15 AM

Hello boils and ghouls.

The Exorcist is one of my favorite films so of course I had to do a look inspired by Reagan McNeil. This look was put together using simple cream makeup, liquid latex and cotton balls. It's cheap, effective and you can pick up these items at any Halloween store.

I was inspired by one of my favorite YouTubers', Mykie from Glam and Gore. She's absolutely amazing at what she does so please check out her channel here.
 Watch her tutorial and create your own look!

Some of the products I used a bit different from hers but they're still easy to get your hands on!

The things you'll need are:
Cotton Balls
Liquid Latex
Cream makeup
Dark eye shadows
Makeup sponges
Optional: Contacts (I didn't have any)

How to create the look:
1.  paint your  face using a white and green to create a sickly appearance
2. use a brush to break up the makeup to make it look more discolored
3. Use a dark shadow to go around your eyes to make them appear sunken in
4.  Mark out where you want your cuts with the red cream makeup
5. Apply liquid latex where you marked out your cuts
6. Take your cotton ball and apply it on top of the latex-- the cover it with a generous amount of more latex. Allow it to dry PLUS set it with powder so it's easy to work with.
7. Take a spatula or any small tool to position the cuts how you want them
8. Apply a brown shadow on top of the cotton to make it easier to paint over them so they match the rest of your face.
9. Darken the cuts using black cream makeup. I also mixed in some brown.
10. Apply some blood!

For the green puke:
In the movie they used pea soup but here we used a mixture of liquid latex and green cream makeup.
Just mix the two ingredients and apply them to the mouth area.
If you're creating this look for a party and you have clothes you don't mind messing up then don't be afraid to go crazy with the puke!

Alright guys, I hope you liked this tutorial! I have another look planned for you all soon! What's your favorite Halloween makeup?

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