Autumn Tag

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11:24 AM

I know that fall doesn’t officially start until September 22nd, but it’s already fall in my heart. I’ve been surrounding myself with all things fall and Halloween for the past few weeks so I’m more than ready for summer to be over and for fall to begin. Once they start stocking the pumpkin spice and the Halloween décor in stores – It’s fall. I don’t care what anyone else says.

McKenna Kaelin, YouTuber and fellow fall lover, recently uploaded another autumn tag on her channel which inspired this post. She comes up with the questions herself and her channel has a couple of autumn tags as well as other fall related videos. Her channel also features beauty, fashion, DIY's and advice videos. You should definitely check out her channel Simply Kenna, she’s totally adorable and I love her aesthetic.

Without further adieu, grab yourself a PSL and let’s get into the questions.

1.       Favorite autumn quote? “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” – George Eliot. This quote resonated with me from the moment I read it. Autumn is by far; my favorite season and I very much believe that my soul is connected to it. I’m at my happiest in the fall time. I love everything about the season from the cool weather and the colors, to the fall drinks and spooky vibes.

2.       Favorite thing to do on a rainy day? I love rainy days, especially in the fall. We have one of those glass screen doors so on rainy days, I love the open up the front door and drink coffee in the living room and look outside. We also have a tin roof so the sound of the rain hitting the roof is very peaceful. It’s also a great spot to sit and read as well. Another thing I love to do is wrap up and spend the day watching scary movies. Dark, rainy days are the perfect setting for horror films. 

3.       Favorite scarf? Blanket scarves are my absolute favorite. They’re huge and comfy and they compliment so many looks. My favorite among my collection is this red and navy blue plaid scarf that I got last Christmas. Red and navy is one of my favorite combinations so I love putting together outfits and accessorizing with this. Plus, I believe it was less than $6 so that's always a good thing.

4.       Favorite autumn themed TV series? The first thing that popped in my head was Twin Peaks. I know it’s not exclusively “autumn themed” but it’s filled with that dark, misty fall scenery that I love so much. It’s also full of mystery and supernatural elements so it adds to that dark, autumn vibe.

5.       Favorite autumn themed movie? So, I’m going to be completely cliché and say Casper and Hocus Pocus. Those are two of my all-time favorite films to watch in the fall and they’re filled with scenes of bright fall foliage, chilly weather, flannels and sweaters, and of course- Halloween. For me, these are two quintessential autumn films. These films always put me in such a great mood because they remind me of everything I love about fall. Plus, I’ve always wanted a black cat named Binx and if you say you didn’t have a crush on Casper in his human form when you were little you’re lying. Honorable mentions: The Amityville Horror and Dead Poets Society.

6.       Favorite autumn themed book? This isn’t technically autumn themed but one of my favorite books to read in autumn is Tar Heel Ghosts. Ghost stories are among my favorite things to read, especially when they’re stories that have some truth to them. Tar Heel Ghosts is a collection of haunting from different parts of North Carolina. As a kid, my mom and my aunt would tell my cousins and me different stories from the book that they enjoyed and I finally got the book for myself when I was in middle school. One of my favorite things was sitting around with my family on cool, autumn nights and sharing scary stories so this book always makes me feel nostalgic. Personal favorite from the book: "Blood on the Apples".

7.       If you could have a familiar, what would it be? Hands down, it would be a cat. I’m such a cat person and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been compared to a cat. Cats are picky when it comes to being affectionate, they’re sassy and they ultimately just do as they please. Specifically, if I were to have a familiar it would be this specific cat that I already have this weird, unspoken bond with. I like to go for walks at the cemetery near my gym and there’s this small, grey cat that hangs out there and he likes to join me on my walks. Almost every time I go to the cemetery, he’s been there. I think he might belong to one of the houses in the neighborhood beside the gym based on the fact that he’s so comfortable with people. So yeah, my familiar would definitely be graveyard cat.

8.       One place you wish you could visit in the fall? Salem, Massachusetts. I’ve seen so many beautiful photos of Salem in autumn and I would love to see it for myself. I’ve been obsessed with witchy things since I was a kid and Salem is filled with so many interesting places to visit such as The Witch House, the Salem Witch Museum, Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery, the Salem Witch Village, and so much more. They also have a number of ghost walks and tours where you can explore the more haunted areas of Salem and as I’ve mentioned before, I’m a huge fan of haunted history so these are right up my alley.

9.       Have you purchased any autumn décor yet? I started stalking the stores as soon as I got word that there was autumn and Halloween décor on the shelves. This is my favorite time to buy décor because I’m someone that has Halloween décor out all year round. So far, I’ve picked up a couple pieces from Michael’s to add to my vanity – a mirror held by a skeleton hand and a stack of books with “curses, spells, and potions” written on the side. I also picked up a gold skull from Target and some purple lights. As the stores continue to add more décor, I’ll continue to add to my collection.

10.   Favorite photograph you took last autumn? My favorite photo is probably the photo of my friends and I with Freddy Kruger that we took before going into Spookywoods. Every year, my friends and I get together and go to a haunted attraction and Spookywoods is one of our favorites. Another photo I love is the photo we took in the graveyard we visited after we left Spookywoods. Because why not visit a graveyard on Halloween night?

11.   Three songs that remind you of autumn? My first pick is "Empty Picture Frames" by Real Friends. It's filled with references of Autumn, mixed with those good old, pop punk vibes. Second, is "Home For Fall" by Real Friends. Honestly, if Real Friends doesn’t fill you with nostalgia and angst then you’re not living your life right. This song makes me miss old flames that I didn’t even have. They have me sitting on the porch in a flannel, watching the leaves fall, hoping they’ll come back to me. Third, I have to go with "Great Romances of the 20th Century" by Taking Back Sunday. Another great love song with fall elements. I love everything about Taking Back Sunday so they’re great for pretty much any and everything.

12.   Things you associate with fall? Bright leaves, cozy nights, pumpkin patches, Reese’s pumpkins, pretty much all-things pumpkin. Lots of plaid, boots, horror movies on every channel. Haunted houses and trails.

13.   Dream Halloween costume? There’s a ton of different costumes I want to put together but one of my top picks is probably Beetlejuice. I love going all out for Halloween and I think Beetlejuice would be a ton of fun. It’ll give me an excuse to be creative and get new pieces for my special effects kit.

14.   What are you being this year? I’m going to be everyone’s favorite best friend till the end, Chucky the doll. I’ve always been a fan of the Child’s Play franchise and I’ve dressed as Tiffany before but I’ve never once dressed as Chucky. I think it’s definitely time to change that.

That’s a wrap! I wanna thank McKenna for creating this tag and inspiring this post. Don’t forget to check out her channel and feel free to do this tag yourself! 

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