Why Your KMSS Big Is the Best

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5:34 PM

When I became a part of Kiss My Southern Sass I became a part of what felt like a second sisterhood. As a sorority girl I felt like I was getting a second bid day, a second set of sisters, and another amazing bond. Just as sororities have Bigs and Littles to help the new members bond with the older sisters, KMSS too has a Big/Little program to set up new reps (or Baby Bows), with an older rep. The whole point of Big/Little is to help the girls bond and for the older members to be mentors to the new girls. Your big the one you go to learn about sisterhood (or in this case company), she’s your right hand gal, and she’s there for you when you need her.

1.      From the moment you met her, you knew she HAD to be your Big. You loved every single one of your Bow Buddies but couldn’t deny the connection you felt with her. She was the one.

2.      Clue week was absolute torture because all you wanted was your Big. Clue week is the time when your Big does everything in her power to throw you off your game and you spend the whole week in a state of confusion trying to connect the dots.

3.      The moment you were finally able to call her your Big felt ah-mazing because it was finally a reality. There might have been a tear or two but its okay because waterproof mascara and eyeliner exists.

4.      You can talk to her about your awkward phase or the night you got way too turnt up and she doesn’t judge you. She’s even seen your old middle and high school pictures and still loves you and that’s like a big deal.

5.      When you feel like you’re about to have your third breakdown of the week she’s there with words of encouragement to help you contain your sanity. (Shoutout to my big during exam week- you da real MVP).

6.      She shares your love for binge watching Netflix and the 50 other shows you’re obsessed with. We share the same love for Game of Thrones and Orange is the New Black, she’s basically perfect.

7.      She can geek out with you over your shared love of Harry Potter, Daenerys Targaryen, and so much more. She even appreciates the many gifs and memes you send her.

8.      She surprises you by spamming your Facebook and Instagram with likes because she’s just as obsessed with you as you are with her.

9.      She can make your entire week by sending you those random “I love you Little” texts. It’s the little things that make all of the difference.

10.  You both were the perfect match in every single way.


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